Needs Assessments

Kingston’s NEW 2023 JSNA

The latest Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for the borough has now been released, providing a comprehensive look at the ‘Top 5’ causes of ill health, risk factors, reasons for hospitalisation and wider determinants of health for Kingston’s population.

Here you can find a summary and the main document.
The recommendations for all sections can be found at the end of the main document or separately here.

There are also detailed chapters available on the following themes:

More content will follow; we are currently working to produce more accessible versions of our JSNA documents and will upload them at the earliest opportunity. Please contact us if you would like to request the information in an alternative format

Recent Needs Assessments

    • Children and Young People’s Needs Assessment (CYPNA)
    • Learning Difficulties Needs Assessment (to follow)
    • Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) Communities Needs Assessment
    • Mental Health Needs Assessment
    • Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)
    • Sexual Health Needs Assessment and Executive Summary
    • Smoking Needs Assessment – however the JSNA’s special smoking section contains more recent data
    • Historical Needs Assessments

      Below is a list of historical needs assessments, with links to each

      What is a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)?

      The JSNA:

      • Is a comprehensive picture of information and data of the health, care, and wellbeing needs and inequalities of Kingston (now and in the future) in order to improve and protect health and wellbeing outcomes
      • Provides information on local community views and evidence of effectiveness of existing interventions which will help to shape future plans for services
      • Reflects the wider social factors that have an impact on people’s health and wellbeing. These factors which have been found to have the most significant influence are widely known as the determinants of health. While health services make a contribution to health, most of the key determinants of health, for example, education, employment, housing, and environment, lie outside the direct influence of healthcare

      Why Have a JSNA?

      Local Authorities and NHS Integrated Commissioning Boards (ICBs) have equal and joint statutory duties to prepare a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment through the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB). The JSNA informs Kingston’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy which is also owned by the Health and Wellbeing Board.

      The JSNA is used to inform and guide commissioning intentions across health, wellbeing, and social care services so that they will achieve better health and wellbeing outcomes.

      It aims to communicate key messages to a wide audience including staff from Local Authority and the NHS, elected members, including senior decision makers and service commissioners, local service providers, Voluntary and Community sector providers, residents and the general public.

      Kingston’s Health and Care Plan

      Kingston’s Health and Care Plan 2022-2024 provides Kingston residents and organisations with a picture of what the Health and Wellbeing Board, through its members and wider partners, has aimed to deliver over the past two years and how working together is crucial to achieve this. The Kingston Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to focus on the following four priority areas / life stages where we believe that by working together we will make the most difference:

      1. Start well – children and young people
      2. Live well – good health in adulthood
      3. Age well – older people
      4. Golden threads – focusing on carers, reducing inequalities, tackling obesity, and promoting good mental health and wellbeing throughout life

      These priority areas build on those identified in the previous health and care plan.

      JSNA Supporting Documentation

      The detailed JSNA sections and other needs assessments listed above may have references to other documents, for ease, we have tried to keep these locally, click here to access them

      Annual Public Health Reports

      Annual Public Health Reports