Directors of Public Health are responsible for producing annual reports on the health of the local population, which contain recommendations for improving health. The latest report is on Kingston’s COVID-19 response across the first two years of the pandemic.
Latest Report
Ageing Well in Kingston – Director of Public Health Report – 2023
If you would like this report in another format, please email us or call 020 8547 6815
Historical Reports
- Keeping Kingston Safe: COVID-19 2020-2022
- Location, Location, Location: The importance of place in shaping health and wellbeing (2019) & Statistical Annex
- Clearing the Air (2018) (Interactive version here) & Statistical Annex
- The Final Frontier: Sexual and Reproductive Health in Kingston (2016-17) & Statistical Annex
- Eat Well, Exercise More, Drink Sensibly (2015)
- Mental Health and Wellbeing in Kingston (2014)
- Older People in Kingston: Living Well in later life (2013)
- Live Long and Prosper: The Next Generation (Children and Young People) (2012)
Further reports can be located on the main Kingston website by clicking this link.