From 1 April 2013, every Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) in England has a statutory responsibility to publish and keep up-to-date a statement of the needs for pharmaceutical services for the population in its area, referred to as a ‘pharmaceutical needs assessment’ (PNA). The PNA will be used by NHS England in its determination as to whether to approve applications to join the pharmaceutical list under The National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013. The relevant NHS England area team (AT) will then review the application and decide if there is a need for a new pharmacy in the proposed location. When making the decision NHS England is required to refer to the local PNA.

This is the latest Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment from 2018:
PNA 2018 _Final March 2018

The below documents relate to the 2015 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment. Please note the the 2018 version can be found above.
JSNA_Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015

JSNA_Appendix_H___Kingston_PNA_Pharmacy_questionnaire JSNA_Appendix_Q___Locality_report___Surbiton_on_line JSNA_Appendix_Q___Locality_report___South_on_line JSNA_Appendix_Q___Locality_report___Maldens_and_Coombe_on_line JSNA_Appendix_Q___Locality_report___Kingston_Town_on_line